Dec 14, 2015

Guitar Solo Performance

Guitar Solo Performance at the opening of the local music "Parade Band Indie and Solo Vocalist" held on 28/29 November 2015 in Gd. Auditorium Jakabaring Palembang.

2 instrumental songs in the opening; Jungle Dance and For The Morning Sun by Gani Trisna which also acts as one of the judges for execution the event.
Musical events organized by Yayasan Tandi Pulau Palembang cooperate with Taman Budaya Palembang as well as some related sponsors can be said success for the local scale.

Jan 25, 2015

Live In The End

Dalam bidang seni, bunyi atau suara yang beraturan (musik) hanya dapat didengar (melalui gelombang getaran), bukan dilihat! hal tersebut berbeda dengan sesuatu yang bersifat visual nyata meskipun keduanya memerlukan kepekaan rasa estetis untuk memahaminya.

To The Stage

Sometimes we do not become one-self at a different time and place, and we realize it. Do you need or play something that you don't know it before? How does it feel?

Jan 23, 2015

Phrasing Over Tonality

A study for Electric Lead Guitar. Watch or listen to Transcription and tablature are available in a PDF, 
please click below.

Jan 22, 2015

Piano Study for Lead Guitar

A study for Classical Electric Guitar. Watch or listen to Transcription and tablature are available in a PDF, please click below.

Jan 11, 2015

Blue Bike in The Lawn

They with the motorcycle and the car then talking about the time and their business, and I'm on my bike, is it fair for you?

In The Room

Let me choose something that I thought was a decent and appropriate for me and everybody know that 24 hours not just for working, what's wrong?

Playing Ukulele

I'm playing the Ukulele in Keroncong music too, what's wrong?